Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 2 - Publishing with MS Publisher

This week we have been exposed to MS Publisher.  Whilst this is often overlooked, it readily comes with most MS Office packages, and is available in most schools and is a great tool for both teachers and students.  Today we looked at how we as emerging teachers can use it to produce an e-portfolio, as we enter the interviewing world once we complete this course.  This was an incrediable slap in the face for me, as I thought that a good old CV and cover letter would still be acceptable.  Seeing how easy MS Publisher makes producing something as sophisticated as an e-portfolio is of huge benefit, and no doubt I will be playing further with the template that I have produced here in the workshop.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week One Continuation

Here is another example of work that can be generated from Inspiration.  This is a mind map on the Commonwealth Games.  Images can be up loaded.  New "arms" can be added to extend the maps as students need.

Week One - New Beginnings

This is the first attempt at "blogging" and the first attempt at using the Inspiration software.  The software is incrediably versatile and user friendly.  It could easily be used to generate mind maps, for family history studies, science and sose reseach projects.
This is a simple representation of facts and information about the Great Barrier Reef.  Images have been used from the libraries within Inspiration, and imported from Google Images.  Information has been taken directly from Google searches.  For more information on the Great Barrier Reef, people can click on the hyperlink provided.